Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tom Peters Wants You to Stop Lying to Yourself

Tom Peters said: "The calendar never lies. You can claim something is your priority, but if your calendar doesn't reflect it, you're lying to yourself."

Here's my corollary: QuickBooks never lies. You can claim something is making you money, but if your QuickBooks reports don't reflect it, you're lying to yourself.

Implication? Stop lying to yourself. Find out what's really making you money.

Here's how: Look at QuickBooks or your customer database. Ask yourself two questions:

1) What's working really well?
  • What 1-3 marketing methods are producing the bulk of your new clients?
  • What 1-3 clients (or client types) are producing the bulk of your profits?
  • What 1-3 products or services are producing the bulk of your profits?

2) What's working unexpectedly well?
  • What 1-3 marketing methods are delivering more sales, more easily or profitably than expected?
  • What 1-3 clients (or client types) are easier and more profitable to serve than expected?
  • What 1-3 products or services are easier and more profitable to sell/produce/deliver than expected?

Size doesn't matter here -- you're looking for potential breakthroughs:

And this question is potentially more valuable than question 1) -- it helped me uncover a $54/month revenue stream that exploded into $54,000 a month.

If you're like most business owners, you won't take the time to answer these two questions.

Look around. Most business owners are struggling. What does that tell you?

More importantly, why not take a hard look at your numbers to see what they tell you?

Bio: Kevin Donlin can help you grow your business and enjoy the breakthrough results your hard work deserves. If you're interested in boosting your revenues and profits, please click here.

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