Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The Marketing Wheel

Who's up for another drawing by a non-artist, i.e, me?

Well, here you go then. I call this The Marketing Wheel. Take a look ...

It’s a tool for thinking. And it’s very simple (like me).

Just look at each of the 5 areas that are essential to predictable profits and growth for your business: New Leads, New Clients, Sales Revenue, Repeat Sales, and Referrals.

Next, rate how your business is doing in each area on a scale of 1 (crappy) to 5 (perfect). Mentally draw a dot next to each number.

Then, connect all 5 dots on the wheel.

Finally, ask yourself this question: Will it roll?

Yes? No? What's your answer?

Meanwhile, are you an entrepreneur with clients, not customers? Are you doing at least $200,000 in revenue, and want to do better? If so ...

... I can show you more "profit hacks" like the ones you just read in this article. Get them in my next Free Video Training Session. It's for $200k entrepreneurs ONLY, please.

Grab your spot here

Can't make that event? My FREE Client Cloning Kit can help. It's not some cheapo download -- this is a real business-building kit you can hold in your hands. Grab yours now, while you can.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

The Best Sales Advice - Letter from Brian Tracy

I'm a simple guy, so here's a simple article on sales ...

Last week, I wrote Brian Tracy asking him, "What's the best sales advice you ever got?" He was kind enough to send the handwritten reply below ...

It reads:


The best sales advice I ever got was: Rejection is not personal! Four out of five, or 9 of 10 people will say No to your approach or your offering, but it is not personal. The fact is that the more "No's" you get, the more "Yes's" you get as well.

Good luck!


Brian's advice is, of course, spot on. It's easy to get down when sales are slow. I've been there. You, too? But by plowing through more No's, you will invariably get more Yes's. Coming from Brian Tracy, this idea should motivate you to keep going.

And by answering my question with a handwritten note, he proved something else that he once said: The higher up you go in any organization of value, the nicer the people are.
What will you do with this sales advice from Brian?

Meanwhile, are you an entrepreneur with clients, not customers? Are you doing at least $200,000 in revenue, and want to do better? If so ...

... I can show you more "profit hacks" like the ones you just read in this article. Get them in my next Free Video Training Session. It's for $200k entrepreneurs ONLY, please.

Grab your spot here

Can't make that event? My FREE Client Cloning Kit can help. It's not some cheapo download -- this is a real business-building kit you can hold in your hands. Grab yours now, while you can.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Free: The Client Cloning Script

What’s the easiest way to build your business?

Do more of what works and less of what doesn’t.

How do you know the difference?

By asking the only people who matter -- your clients.

Now, for a limited time, discover exactly how to use your current clients to get more just like them.

With my simple, powerful Client Cloning Script.

It's just one page long. But the insights it delivers are POWERFUL.

Grab your FREE copy of The Client Cloning Script now, while there's still time ...

Monday, July 7, 2014

Announcing Referral Rewards

As a reader, you’re eligible for my new Referral Reward Program -- it pays you back with gifts and prizes, while helping your friends ...

Here’s how it works: For every entrepreneur you refer to me
  • the person you refer gets a copy of my book, 21 Quick Ways to Get More Clients, by mail
  • you get a $5.00 Starbucks Gift Card by mail
  • you are entered into the $50.00 Cash Drawing, the first Monday of every month
  • you are entered into the Sony 40" HD TV annual Grand Prize Drawing, on December 31
  • plus I’ll donate $5.00 to the Animal Rescue Foundation (ARF) to help save dogs and cats who have run out of time at public shelters

There’s NO limit to how many $5.00 gift cards and chances to win a prize that you can get!

It's as easy as 1-2-3. Here's what to do:
1) Jot down the name and website address of one or more entrepreneurs you know (not a start-up, part-timer, MLM, or someone who thinks marketing is "icky").

2) Send that name to me by email (k -at- clientcloningsystems.com) or call me at 800-723-1503. I’ll ship them their book by U.S. Mail.

3) That's it! You will then be entered into the drawings.

Don’t worry -- I will NOT spam, stalk, or harass your friend. Are you kidding? I would never jeopardize your trust in me like that. Ever.

The more referrals you send to me, the more $5 Starbucks gift cards and chances to win I’ll send to you. Plus, you'll be doing a world of good for dogs and cats in need, with the donations I send on your behalf to help ARF!

I hope to hear from you today!

Update: Here's a photo of the 2014 Grand Prize winner with his new TV, Steve Adams, President of Pet Supplies Plus.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Anatomy of a Winning Email Promotion

I LOVE getting emails like this from clients:

"We crushed it! Sold $115,000+ and 365 packages after 746 people tuned into the webcast! Unbelievable. I’m still in amazement and pinching myself! Mars said that I broke all sorts of records for a 'newbie' doing his first webcast launch. Your promotional emails and marketing advice helped us fill the webcast with attendees, and for that I thank you."

-- Michael Rozbruch, Tax & Business Solutions Academy, Studio City, California

How did we do it?

Lots of ways, but here are 3 keys to writing a winning email promotion ...

1) Start with a winning product or service
My client, Michael Rozbruch is a top expert in his field, his content is outstanding, and the guests he invited onto his webcast were top notch.

Note well: If you are selling crap, great advertising will only fan the flames that burn your butt.

2) Research to find the emotional "hot buttons" of your market
Michael knows his market of tax/accounting professionals cold, because he is a former CFO and tax specialist. As a result, we were able to come up with bullet points in our promotional emails that pushed all the right hot buttons and spurred prospects into registering for his webcast.

Here's an excerpt from one of the 11 emails I wrote for him:
Michael will show you ...

* the exact marketing strategy that took him to $23 million in sales (complying with regulatory and Circular 230 advertising restrictions) ...

* how to tap into a ready-made market of 12 million prospects across America who are desperate for your help (you prescribe and the “patient” says yes) ...

* how to stop writing off chunks of YOUR time and YOUR money to appease low-paying clients -- and double your hourly rates instead (with this secret pricing formula) ...
To cite just one example, accounting and tax professionals routinely "write off" chunks of time by providing services they don't charge clients for. This is a source of deep, hidden resentment for many of them ... which gives us a point of leverage in our email.

Always remember: People make buying decisions based on emotions, then use logic to justify those decisions. The more emotions you appeal to, the more you sell.

3) Do a complete selling job
Did you notice in that last section, where I said I wrote 11 promotional emails for this campaign? Had time allowed, I would have written more, but we had only 2 weeks to promote the webcast.

Still, by sending 11 different emails to promote his event, we probably sent 8 or 9 more than most marketers would have. Which may explain why Michael was able to rake in well over $115,000 from that one event.

Meanwhile, if you want to grow your business, my free Client Cloning Kit can help. It's not some cheapo download -- this is a real business-building kit you can hold in your hands.