Here's a story I've never told anyone before ...
Six years ago, I accidentally created a business that put $2,159,342.40 in my bank account.
How did I do it?
By focusing the vast majority of my marketing efforts on the vital few activities that made the most profits.
After I made this 80/20 shift in thinking (which I explain below), revenue surged, like this ...
Specifically, revenue jumped from $1,109 in May 2005 to $7,808 in July ...
... to $51,856 in September 2005 and kept climbing to $110,945 one year later, in September 2006.
More than $2,159,342 flooded into my business in 5 years, before all was said and done.
Here are 5 years of revenue totals from this project:
- $244,504.16 (2005)
- $640,471.97 (2006)
- $618,848.09 (2007)
- $465,132.78 (2008)
- $166,109.56 (2009)
I promoted programs for companies that paid a couple bucks for every lead I sent to their web site using Google AdWords.
I can't be more specific than that, but I can tell you the bulk of that $2.1 million came from a single Google AdWords ad that I honed, improved, polished, perfected, and rolled out to multiple markets in North America.
Google will come to my house and stick my dog's head down the toilet if I tell you any more ...
... but I can tell you about the process that helped me make a $2.1-million killing.
I combined the 80/20 Rule with Marketing 101 to create a new concept (new for me, anyway) that you can use, too.
I call it 80/20 Marketing.
Because you should already understand Marketing 101, let's define the 80/20 Rule.
You may also know it as the Pareto Principle, named after Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto, who observed in 1906 that 80% of the property in Italy was owned by 20% of the people.
Stated differently, 20% of causes account for about 80% results, and 80% of causes produce about 20% of results. The world is unbalanced and unequal -- predictably so.
The 80/20 Rule is a spooky natural law that doesn’t make any logical sense:
- 20% of clouds produce 80% of rain ...
- 20% of U.S. states produce 80% of home foreclosures, and ...
- you wear 20% of your shirts 80% of the time (especially if you're a guy!)
In any business, including yours, about:
- 80% of sales come from 20% of products or services
- 80% of complaints come from 20% of customers
- 80% of profits come from 20% of marketing activities
Because marketing is one of the vital few things you do that really matters in business -- it's a 20% Activity that produces outsized results.
One day, in May 2005, I thought: "What if I were to apply the 80/20 Rule to marketing, and do only those things that really made me money, dropping, delegating, or streamlining the rest? What would happen?"
More than $2.1 million happened, that's what.
Let me share one of the success secrets I found after months of trial and error ....
In a word, it's replacement.
You see, after I uncovered certain elements of my marketing that were producing small, but disproportionately large profits, I replaced 80% activities (the majority of marketing that was largely a waste of time) with 20% activities (those few things that produced disproportionately big results).
In the months that followed, I turned my business upside down and devoted EVERY WAKING HOUR to writing, testing, and improving the Google AdWords ads that produced unexpectedly high revenue. (Important: You do NOT need to use Google Adwords or even know what they are to profit from this idea -- you simply need to find just one small, repeatable success to exploit fully.)
Some days I worked 12 hours and had nothing to show. Other days, a 15-minute effort added $25 a day in revenue. Smart, focused work produced small, continuous, profitable improvements.
Now. You may think: "Where do I find time for another marketing system?" or "I'm not the boss -- I can't change our business model to do this."
Both excuses are invalid. Because you have plenty of time -- you're just misusing 80% of it. And 80/20 Marketing works for any business model, by refining and ramping up whatever success you're having now.
Here are just two of the many ways I found time to devote to engage in 80/20 Marketing:
- closed down an entire business (it was time-intensive and no longer fun).
- stopped checking email more than once a day (a game-changer that freed up 2-3 hours daily).
I increased annual revenue from this project by 10 TIMES, from $24,587 in 2004, to $244,504 in 2005. Then I TRIPLED IT, to $640,471 in 2006. The rest is history.
I now teach a 4-week course on 80/20 Marketing that is changing lives for entrepreneurs.
Whether or not an extra $2.1 million in high-net revenue excites you, the principles of 80/20 Marketing should.
Simply put, most of what you do to market your business doesn't matter. Only a few things do. Do more of them, and your life can improve dramatically, rapidly, and predictably.
Bio: Kevin Donlin can help you grow your business and enjoy the breakthrough results your hard work deserves. If you're interested in boosting your revenues and profits, please click here.
What about if I don't use Google ads? Wht's this got to help my printing company? I would be interested to know how this could apply to me. Great story by the way, in any case