Friday, February 13, 2015

Make Your Business Remarkable with Direct Mail

Email is called many things -- spam, a hassle, a chain that ties you to work 24/7. But remarkable is not one of those things.

Yet people remark all the time about sincere, personal letters that they get in the mail -- probably because they're so rare these days.

That's one reason that direct mail, done right, can make your business remarkable. For the price of a stamp.

And here's the hidden lesson in that video: Harvey Mackay, Brian Tracy, and Dr. Myers are all busy, successful people. Yet they aren't too busy for the marketing communications that matter, which includes writing (or dictating) letters to people who matter.

Anyone can take 10 seconds to send you an email. Big deal. But not everyone will take 3-5 minutes to mail you a letter. That's remarkable.

If you think you're "too busy" for direct mail, think again. Harvey Mackay, Brian Tracy, and the successful Dr. Myers aren't too busy.  They found or made the time to send personal letters that connect and get remarked about. That's remarkable.

Bottom line: You don't need to be a genius to show up in the mailbox when the rest of your competitors are showing up in an email inbox. You just have to show up. But if you're like most business owners or entrepreneurs, you think you're "too busy" for direct mail.

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