Wednesday, March 9, 2011

How to Train Your Clients to Send You Referrals

Yesterday, I delivered a marketing presentation to the Independent Community Bankers of Minnesota, as a guest of their quarterly Marketing Council meeting in Eagan, MN.

My presentation, "5 Ways to Grow Your Banking Business," featured the idea of "capturing and cloning" your best clients.

Do you want more referrals from your best clients? Keep reading ...

First, find out which clients are sending you the most referrals

Then, find out exactly what they say when recommending your business to others. Yes, that means you pick up the phone, call them, and ask.

Then what? Capture and clone their words.

That means you write a short script based on what your top-referring clients are saying when they recommend your business to others.

This is worth repeating: Write a referral script using the words your clients say about you -- NOT what you think they say or think they ought to say. Stick to reality.

Then, train your other clients to use that same, proven script.

In your post-sale letters, emails, and conversations with clients, tell them ...

Do you like us? Please tell your friends! Here's what to say: "I found this bank where the loan officer actually knows my name and understands my business. And she gave me some great tips on marketing to help build my business, too. You should call Suzy Smith and tell her I sent you."

Stop trying to reinvent the wheel.

If your best clients are already referring you, find out what they're saying, and train the rest of your clients to say the same thing.

(More ideas like these in my Free Report, Guaranteed Marketing for Service Business Owners.)

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